Final webinar BENEDMO
In an era where misinformation and fake news are spreading at lightning speed, it is crucial to strengthen our insights and skills in fact-checking and work together in a strong network. During this webinar, you will get a retrospective on three years of the BENEDMO project and get closer look at effective fact-checking techniques, the impact of disinformation on our society, and how we can collectively present a front against this spread of disinformation.
Programme: 13:30 – 15:00
Opening by Johan Oomen (Head Research and Heritage, Sound & Vision) and Krisztina Stump (Head of the Media Convergence and Social Media unit of the European Commission).
3 years of fact-checking in 10 minutes
by Ferre Wouters (KU Leuven)
We look back on BENEDMO’s factchecking work with an analysis of our fact-checks. Where do fact-checkers get the claims they fact check? What are recurring topics and decisive moments? And how often do fact-checks label information as wrong? In this session, we delve into these questions and the results of our trend reports.
Break-out sessions to choose from:
- BENEDMO-tools
In this break-out session, Guy De Pauw (Textgain) and Miguel Ramalho (Bellingcat) will provide you with an overview of the tools that were developed within BENEDMO. You will also get a short live demonstration of their favourite tool.
- BENEDMO academic research
In this session, Michael Hameleers (University of Amsterdam) will discuss and review empirical evidence on the effectiveness of different interventions, with a specific focus on fact-checking and media literacy interventions. We will discuss the pitfalls and opportunities for different interventions, and potential solutions to challenge they face in an age of rising distrust and strong societal concerns on mis- and disinformation. We will showcase studies done for the BENEDMO research lab, and also reveal new insights on perceptions of mis- and disinformation among the public.
The BENEDMO network and future project plans
by Maaike Reinhoudt (Leiden University), Wim Vanobberghen (VRT) and Julia Conemans (Beeld & Geluid)
In this final session, you will learn more about BENEDMO’s current network and approach. Finally, you will hear exciting news on our future plans.